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Systemanforderung für Inventor 2014

Hier gibt es die aktuellen Systemanforderungen für aktuelle Inventorversionen. Ein kleiner Auszug:

System requirements for Autodesk Inventor 2014 products

For Inventor 2014 Windows users
For general part and assembly design (typically fewer than 1,000 parts):

  • Windows® 7 (32-bit minimum, 64-bit recommended), Windows® 8 64-bit, or Windows XP® Professional 32-bit[1] operating system
  • Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 with SSE2 technology, 3 GHz or greater, or AMD dual-core processor with SSE2, 2 GHz or greater recommended, or Intel® Xeon® E3 or Core i7 or equivalent with SSE2, 3.0 GHz or greater
  • 4 GB RAM minimum for less than 500 part assemblies (8 GB recommended)[2]
  • 15 GB free disk space for installation
  • 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution
  • Microsoft® Direct3D 9® or compatible graphics card (Microsoft® Direct3D 11® or higher recommended)
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6 or later (.NET Framework Version 4.5 web browser)
  • Microsoft® Excel® 2003 or later software for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs
  • Adobe® Flash® Player 10
  • Internet connection for web downloads and Subscription Aware access
  • Microsoft-compliant mouse or pointing device
  • DVD-ROM drive[3]

For complex models, complex mold assemblies, and large assemblies (typically more than 1,000 Parts):

  • 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8[1]
  • Xeon E3 or Core i7 or equivalent, 3.3 GHz or greater
  • 16 GB RAM or greater[2]
  • 15 GB free disk space for installation
  • 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution
  • Direct3D 9 or compatible graphics card (Direct3D 11 or higher recommended)
  • Internet Explorer 6 or later (.NET Framework Version 4.5 web browser)
  • Excel 2003 or later for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs
  • Flash Player 10
  • Internet connection for web downloads and Subscription Aware access
  • Microsoft-compliant mouse or pointing device
  • DVD-ROM drive[3]

For Inventor 2014 Mac® users

On Boot Camp®:

You can install Autodesk Inventor Professional software on a Mac computer on a Windows partition. The system must use Apple Boot Camp to manage a dual OS configuration and meet the minimum system requirements.

  • Mac OS® X 10.6 (10.8 or higher recommended)
  • Boot Camp v2.0 or higher
  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • Intel® Core 2® Duo or greater processor with SSE2 technology, 3.0 GHz or greater
  • 8 GB RAM or greater
  • 64 GB free disk space on Windows OS partition (250 GB recommended)

Mac Virtualization on Parallels Desktop:

  • Mac OS X 10.6 (10.8 or higher recommended)
  • Parallels Desktop 8.0 or higher
  • 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • Core 2 Duo or greater with SSE2 technology, 3.0 GHz or greater
  • 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
  • 500 GB free disk space or greater

  1. Autodesk Inventor 2014 software is provided both as 32-bit application and as 64-bit application for installation and use on the corresponding operating system only. Windows XP Professional 32-bit is not recommended for Inventor. English versions of Inventor will run on any language operating system. Other language versions of these applications will run on operating systems of that same language. Inventor and Autodesk® Vault® software must both be the same language on a given computer.
  2. Autodesk recommends settings which allow Windows to manage virtual memory as needed. There should always be at least twice as much free hard disk space as system memory (RAM). Recommended minimum RAM for using Inventor Tooling is 3 GB.
  3. Inventor 2014 is available only on DVD media (or electronic download in some situations). A DVD-ROM drive is not required if installing via electronic download.



1 Kommentar:

  1. Ich habe ein Problem..und zwar (egal ob Inventor 2013 oder 2014) stürzt das Programm beim Öffnen unter Windows 8 64-bit sofort ab.
    Man sieht einmal ganz kurz die Benutzeroberfläche und schon kommt der Fehlerbericht.
    Was kann ich tun? .net Framework und die weiteren Systemanforderungen habe ich soweit ich weiß erfüllt. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?


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