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AutoCAD: Grafikkartentreiber updaten

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To correct a problem video driver on your system you should first update your certified hardware database to the latest version.  If a newer driver is available on theAutoCAD certified hardware site, you should uninstall your current driver and install the latest tested and certified driver.

Updating the certified hardware database:

Follow the instruction at the following link to update your system with the latest hardware certification database:

Certified Hardware XML Database Update

Updating to a certified video driver:

You can confirm if you have the latest certified driver by manually checking theAutoCAD certified hardware site or by running an in-product check.  Follow the steps below for checking in-product:

Note: You must be an administrator for Microsoft® Windows Vista® & Windows 7 operating systems, and have User Account Control (UAC) disabled.

1. Type "3DCONFIG" at the command line and press "Enter".

2. Click the "Check for Updates" button:

Note: This button checks for updated versions of the graphics card and driver database that is used for performance tuning.
3. If there is an update available it will ask you if you want to replace it by clicking "Yes":

4. After it is updated you will get a message that says "Your Performance Tuner file is up to date".  You should then click the "View Tuner Log" button:

5. The Performance Tuner Log will report if your hardware is certified and will also report your current application driver (see example below).  If your current driver says anything other than Software or AcadDM10.hdi, e.g., nvgl10.hdi, you should follow the instructions in this solution to switch your driver back to the Autodesk Driver.

6. If your system shows you do not have the latest certified graphics card driver, you should go to the certification site to find and download the latest version. To download the latest version, click the little blue arrow next to the corresponding driver for your hardware and operating system.

Keeping your system up to date with the latest driver will improve productivity and avoid potentially losing unsaved work due to a crash.

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