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PSP 2011: Zwei neue Hotfixe

Für PSP 2011 stehen 2 neue Hotfixe zur Verfügung.

  • Double Quote character (") in the SHORT_DESC will be mutated to Single Quote (') during Copy Design
    This hotfix resolves an issue where a double quote character (") is mutated to a single quote (') in the Title field (SHORT_DESC) of the new created document after Copy Design, if the Title of the original document contains a double quote character.
  • With this hotfix patched on the server, you also need to configure the server file compass.ini to enable the Productstream Clipboard window to show once Copy Design finished. You can find those new created documents with the mutated characters in the open Productstream Clipboard window and do correction manually.

    ; This section controls the CopyDesign change dialog, setting True or False to display or not
    ; Default: False

  • Inventor Integration multiple Issues
    This hotfix resolves the following issues:
  • 1. While opening an assembly within Autodesk Inventor 2012, connection lost between Productstream Professional and Inventor after some time of inactivity with the open reservation dialog.

    2. When working with Inventor 2012 or 2013 Tube and Pipe, some files might be managed under the Functional Design folder instead of the Piping folder in Productstream Professional; Creating a new pipe between two parts in Inventor might result in deleted reference of the first pipe managed in Productstream Professional.

    3. When working with Inventor 2012 or 2013, Productstream Professional new entry dialog is missing when changing a custom iPart member in an assembly, via Browser -> menu under the Table icon -> Change Component.

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