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Körper in Inventor über Microsoft Kinect animieren

Diesen Link hat mir Alfons Kipfelsberger geschickt. Danke Alfons!

Es geht dabei um ein kostenloses Tool mit dem in Inventor mittels Microsoft Kinect eine Figur animiert werden kann. Sieht im Video echt cool aus.

moveIT™ is an add-in application for Autodesk Inventor that enables the posing and positioning of a human body model, using Microsoft Kinect sensor and movements of your own body.

The moveIT add-in enables the posing of a human body model with your own movements. For example, if you lift a hand or bend an elbow, the pose of the human body model open in Autodesk Inventor updates accordingly.

Key features:

  • All major joints are supported: head, torso, arms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and legs
  • Ability to control not only the pose but the position of the model as well: if you jump or make steps in any direction, the position of the human body model in Autodesk Inventor updates accordingly
  • Ability to adjust size and proportions of the human body model to better fit specific needs
  • Ability to interact with the virtual environment, 'activating' and 'deactivating' blocks with a touch

Please note that you need Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Kinect for Windows sensor to use moveIT.


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