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Stückliste mit Vorschaubilder erstellen

Hier gibt es sowohl ein Addin als auch ein VBA-Code, mittels diesem sich Stücklisten aus Teilelisten in Zeichnungen generieren lassen. Das ganze wird über Word realisiert.


Wer den VBA-Code nutzen will, der kopiert in am besten in sein Standard-IVB-Projekt, setzt den Verweis noch auf Word…

Extras > Verweise im VBA-Editor und dort Microsoft Word XX.X Object Library auswählen.


Dann noch den Befehl in die Oberfläche der Zeichnung ergänzen und los geht die wilde Fahrt ;)

Public Sub CreatePartsListWithThumbnail()
    ' Make sure a drawing document is active.
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim drawDoc As DrawingDocument
    Set drawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    If Err Then
        MsgBox "A drawing must be active."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Make sure a parts list is selected.
    Dim partList As PartsList
    Set partList = drawDoc.SelectSet.Item(1)
    If Err Then
        MsgBox "A parts list must be selected."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim wordApp As Word.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Try connecting to a running instance of Word.
    Set wordApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
    If Err Then
        ' Start Word.
        Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        If Err Then
            MsgBox "Unable to start Word."
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error GoTo ErrorFound
    wordApp.Visible = False
    ' Create a new Word document.
    Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
    Set wordDoc = wordApp.Application.Documents.Add
    ' Create a table with the same number of columns as the parts list.
    Dim partListTable As Table
    Set partListTable = wordDoc.Tables.Add(wordApp.Selection.Range, partList.PartsListRows.Count + 1, partList.PartsListColumns.Count + 1, wdWord9TableBehavior, wdAutoFitFixed)
    ' Copy the part list headings into the table.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To partList.PartsListColumns.Count
        Dim myrange As Range
        Set myrange = partListTable.Cell(1, i + 1).Range
        myrange.End = partListTable.Cell(1, i + 1).Range.End

        If i = 0 Then
            Call wordApp.Selection.TypeText("Preview")
            Call wordApp.Selection.TypeText(partList.PartsListColumns.Item(i).Title)
        End If

    ' Iterate through the rows of the parts list.
    Dim rowIndex As Integer
    rowIndex = 1
    Dim partListRow As PartsListRow
    For Each partListRow In partList.PartsListRows
        ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Processing part list row " & rowIndex & " of " & partList.PartsListRows.Count & "..."
        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
        If partListRow.Visible Then
            ' Select the first cell of the current row in the table.
            Set myrange = partListTable.Cell(rowIndex, 1).Range
            myrange.End = partListTable.Cell(rowIndex, 1).Range.End
            ' Get the thumbnail from the document associated with the current row.
            Dim drawBomRow As DrawingBOMRow
            Set drawBomRow = partListRow.ReferencedRows.Item(1)
            Dim refDoc As Document
            Set refDoc = drawBomRow.BOMRow.ComponentDefinitions.Item(1).Document
            On Error Resume Next
            Dim thumbNail As IPictureDisp
            Set thumbNail = refDoc.thumbNail
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
                ' Save the thumbnail to a file.
                Call SavePicture(thumbNail, "C:\Temp\TempThumb.bmp")
                Dim shape As Word.InlineShape
                Set shape = wordApp.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture("C:\Temp\TempThumb.bmp", False, True)
                shape.LockAspectRatio = True
                shape.Height = 100
                Call wordApp.Selection.TypeText("Preview not available")
            End If
            On Error GoTo ErrorFound
            ' Copy the rest of the part list info into the table for this row.
            For i = 1 To partList.PartsListColumns.Count
                Set myrange = partListTable.Cell(rowIndex, i + 1).Range
                myrange.End = partListTable.Cell(rowIndex, i + 1).Range.End
                Call wordApp.Selection.TypeText(partListRow.Item(i).Value)
        End If
    ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Finished"
    wordApp.Visible = True
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Unexpected error encountered."
    wordApp.Visible = True
End Sub


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