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Zusatz-Module fehlen

Wem in seinem Inventor Zusatzmodule wie die FEM-Berechnung fehlen…


…der kann die Module wieder integrieren, indem er folgenden Schritte ausführt, die ich von diesem Knowlegde Base Beitrag kopiert haben.


You have installed Inventor 2010 and certain Add-Ins are missing from the Add-In Manager. You want to know how to restore them.


In the C:\Program files\Autodesk\Inventor 2010\bin directory you will find the following applications:

RegisterAecExchange.exe - RegisterAssemblyBonusTools.exe - RegisterAssemblyStressAnalysis.exe - RegisterCableAndHarness.exe - RegisterContentCenter.exe - RegisterDesignAccelerator.exe - RegisterDesignSensors.exe - RegisterDragAndDrop.exe - RegisterDynamicSimulation.exe - RegisterESKDSupport.exe - RegisterFrameGenerator.exe - RegisterIDFTranslator.exe - RegisterInventorStudio.exe - RegisterInventorVault.exe - RegisterMarkupManager.exe - RegisterMoldDesign.exe - RegisterPreR10.exe - RegisterTaskScheduler.exe and RegisterTubeAndPipe.exe

Depending on which Inventor suite you have installed will depend on which Add-Ins are available, the above list is for Inventor Professional Suite 2010.

Example: If you have installed AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010 and you are missing the Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation Add-Ins then you need to do the following to register the Add-Ins.

  1. Open a CMD window and navigate to the following folder - C:\Program Files\AutodeskInventor 2010\bin
  2. Type the following in the CMD window:
  3. RegisterAssemblyStressAnalysis.exe /uninstall
  4. RegisterDynamicSimulation.exe /uninstall
  5. Now wait a few minutes and then type the following:
  6. RegisterAssemblyStressAnalysis.exe /install
  7. RegisterDynamicSimulation.exe /install
  8. Again wait a few minutes before closing the CMD window.
  9. Now run Inventor and check the Add-Ins have loaded successfully.

If you have installed AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010 then you would replace steps 3,4 and 6,7 with the following:

  • RegisterCableAndHarness.exe /uninstall
  • RegisterTubeAndPipe.exe /uninstall
  • RegisterCableAndHarness.exe /install
  • RegisterTubeAndPipe.exe /install

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