Behobene Probleme:
- Reference is still active but no occurrences in the assembly
- Invalid file references inside assembly file
- Inventor rehighlights entry during typing
- Members of an assembly pattern should show green DOF boxes
- Inventor crash when adding a hole feature
- AssemblyConstraint.EntityTwo returns a proxy object incorrectly when the sub-assembly is in-place edit
- File size increases after manipulating 3D sketch
- View Reps cannot be deleted and generate error when you hover over them in the browser
- OnFileDirty fires for sub-assembly when update top assembly, but the sub-assembly is still not dirty
- This update should only be applied to systems directly affected by the issue described above, as this was the only issue this update was created to address.
Erst den SP1 installieren, dann den Hotfix!
- (zip - 12769Kb)
- readme (htm - 22Kb)
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