Wer wissen will, welche Grafikkarten von Autodesk für Inventor oder AutoCAD zertifiziert sind, kann diese Autodeskseite konsultieren. Dort das Produkt und die Version usw. wählen und dann auf “Find” klicken und schauen, was so an Grafikkarten angeboten wird.
Wer dann auf eine Karte klickt, der bekommt auf der Folgeseite angezeigt, welche Treiberversion für welche Produkte zu verwenden ist und kann dort auch die Treiber herunterladen. Tipp: Aktuellen Treiber erst manuell deinstallieren, PC neu starten und dann den heruntergeladenen Treiber installieren.
In diesem Zusammenhang auch noch der Hinweis auf die Autodesk Inventor® Hardware Graphics Database!
Weitere Infos gibt in den “Frequently Asked Questions” und auch in der FAQ Sektion “Inventor”.
Zum Beispiel interessant:
7. Why is my graphics hardware not listed?
A card does not have to be listed in order for you to use it. TheGraphics Hardware List page lists only graphics hardware Autodesk has tested for use with certain Autodesk applications. Autodesk tests a variety of graphics hardware, but focuses primarily on graphics hardware the manufacturer has indicated is workstation grade and designed to work with 3D CAD applications. If your graphics hardware is not listed, you should download and use the latest driver available from the manufacturer.
9. Why is graphics hardware designed for desktop or gaming applications not Certified or Recommended?
While some desktop or gaming level graphics hardware may work with the 3D display features in certain Autodesk products, desktop and gaming level products are not supported by Autodesk or the hardware vendor for use with 3D applications.
14. I am using a noncertified driver and have hardware acceleration disabled. Why could I still be having issues?
Some of the new user interface elements in Autodesk products (like the ribbon and the application menu) use the Microsoft .NET Framework. .NET utilizes Direct3D and video card hardware to visualize the user interface. This visualization is done even when hardware acceleration is disabled. We recommend you use a certified driver for the best experience.
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