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Lesenswert in KW 24/2010

In der letzten Woche hatte ich ein paar Tage Urlaub (mit kleiner Unterbruchung) weswegen es hier im Blog nichts neues zu lesen gab. Ab jetzt geht’s wieder los ;). Erst mal ein paar interessante Beiträge aus anderen Blogs und Webseiten.

Inventor 2010 Hotfix

Unexpected exit when the Chamfer/Fillet feature recomputes with an unstable edge


Inventor 2011 Grafikdatenbank aktualisiert

  1. Download update DL15251046.zip for Autodesk Inventor 2011.
  2. Extract DL15251046_32-bit.msp and DL15251046_64-bit.msp from the zip file downloaded in step 1.
  3. Double click on the appropriate .msp file (32-bit or 64-bit) to install this update on each system running Autodesk Inventor 2011.
  4. Chose Next to begin the install...
  5. Once finished you'll receive the Autodesk Inventor 2011 Setup dialog box stating that the update has been successfully applied.
  6. Click Finish to complete the installation and exit the dialog box.

DL15251046.zip (zip - 7Kb)

readme (htm – 21Kb)

Wo werden die Favoriten des Inhaltscenters in Inventor 2011 gespeichert?

You want to know where the favorites information for Content Center is stored in Inventor 2011

The favorites information for Content Center is stored in the file Favourites.xml, which is located by default in the following locations:

In XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\[current user]\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\Inventor 2011\Content Center\Settings

In Vista and Windows 7

C:\Users\[current user]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Inventor 2011\Content Center\Settings

Inventor 2011 - Storage location of favorites information in Content Center

Licht Simulationsoftware für den Inventor

Bohrungsabstand zwischen Bohrungen auf ein gerades Maß runden


Bohrungen sollen auf eine Strecke aufgeteilt werden, jedoch soll kein ungerades Maß zwischen den Bohrungen entstehen

Rob Cohees Inventor Tipps & Tricks Video

Rob hat über Ustream live eine Inventor Tipps und Tricks Session gestreamt. Die Aufzeichnung findet ihr hier.

Streaming Video by Ustream.TV

Skizze aus einem Blech in die Abwicklung kopieren

Exporting Inventor sketches to sheet metal flat patterns

AutoCAD eTransmit Textvorlage anpassen

AutoCAD 2011 eTransmit Dialog with Prepopulated Text

AutoCAD eTransmit Secret Ninja Trick the Text Template

Vault Server Installation: Neustart notwendig?

When you install Vault Server, during the install diagnostic pre-checks you see a message preventing you from installing and claiming "Reboot Needed"

If you run "regedit" and delete the following keys

Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager,
Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\FileRenameOperations

From those, delete the following keys from the registry

  • "PendingFileRenameOperations"
  • "FileRenameOperations"

then attempt the installation again it should work

Vault Server Install - Reboot Needed?

Vault Server: Dateien bereinigen und Vault verkleinern und Performance verbessern

In Vault it is possible to perform a "Purge" in both the Vault Client and Vault Server. The Vault Client will only allow a user to purge select file versions. The Vault Server will allow you to purge an entire Vault Database.

If you need to understand more about how File Version Purging works and and the rules applied when you perform a Purge, then look to the help in the Vault Client. Press F1 and look for "Purging Versions". Under the Concept Tab is a section of particular interest called "Basic Rules of Purging".

Purging Files - The Rules

Follow these steps to reduce the size of the Vault and improve performance 

  1. (Server) Run an SQL maintenance plan as per the Advanced Configuration Guide
  2. (Client) Delete unwanted files\folders
  3. (Client) Change the "Thumbnail" property to "Not In Use" and Reindex Properties
  4. (Client) Change any other unwanted Properties to "Not In Use" and Reindex Properties. The biggest benefit will be those with high Usage counts. 
  5. (Client) Delete unwanted "Obsolete" Items (Productstream\Vault Manufacturing\Vault Proferssional Only)
  6. (Server) Purge unwanted versions. RULES OF PURGING
  7. (Server) Run a property reindex
  8. (Server) Run an SQL maintenance plan (Again) as per the Advanced Configuration Guide
  9. (Server and Clients) Remove the IPv6 from all clients and the server.

Running the SQL Maintenance plan at the beginning is to hopefully make the following steps easier, then once all the steps are carried out, run it again.

Client Side - Grid Population\ Folder Navigation performance suggestions

Remove the following property columns from the client grid display

  • "Thumbnail"
  • "Property Compliance"
  • "Vault Status"

These properties provide useful (but arguably not critical) information to the user. Some are calculated dynamically and will differ from one user to another in almost realtime. The effect of displaying these properties is that it perpetually requests information from the server and slows down Vault for all users.

How To...Reduce Vault Size and Generally Improve Vault Performance

Vault Server auf einem anderen Laufwerk installieren

One of our partners asked how it might be possible to install Vault on another when the C:\ drive runs out of space.

Possibly the simplest way to achieve this is to modify the Windows registry

Run "Regedit "

Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"

Edit the Following variables

Change the Value Data for "ProgramFilesDir" to #:\Program Files (DEFAULT = C:\Program Files)

Change the Value Data for "ProgramFilesDir (x86)" to #:\Program Files (x86 (DEFAULT = C:\Program Files (x86))

Where # indicates the drive letter you want to divert the installation to.

Installing Vault Server on Another Drive

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