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Windows Benutzerrechte, Benutzerkontensteuerung (UAC) und Inventor

Diese Autodesk Artikel beschreiben die Unterschiede beim Start von Inventor 2012 als Admin und normaler Windowsbenutzer. Es gibt dort seit der 2012er Version Unterschied zu den Vorgängerversionen.


You want to know if you need to turn-off UAC (User Account Control) and require admin rights in order to:

  • Run Inventor 2012
  • Switch between Inventor versions on your machine
  • Explanation

    Microsoft uses two distinct user types: administrator and standard users (also referred to as restricted or limited users).  This article explains the  changes for restricted users between Inventor 2011 and 2012.

    Before Inventor 2012, restricted users could not switch between versions of Inventor.  They needed to have an admin do this for them. Since Inventor 2012, restricted users on Windows XP and standard users on Vista/Win7 can switch to newer versions of Inventor.  Admin rights are still required to switch to Inventor 2011 and earlier.

    Here is more detail about what you can and cannot do as a restricted user starting with the 2012 release:

  • Installing and uninstalling Inventor requires admin rights as is clearly stated in the installer warning dialog that can be seen below. This is required for all releases of Inventor and on all operating systems.

  • Switching to Inventor 2011 (and earlier) requires admin rights in order to complete a full registration cycle.  This is comprised of starting and exiting Inventor as an admin. This procedure is necessary to correctly register all subcomponents (such as the Windows Explorer shortcut menus. shell extensions, API, Add-Ins and Apprentice) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. This reason this limitation continues to exist is because we cannot add Win7 compliance to these older releases in a service pack.
  • On all operating systems, restricted users can run Inventor 2012 with UAC enabled. As stated in the readme, Inventor 2012 and beyond is now “UAC-friendly”.
  • On Vista and Win7, it is no longer required to run Inventor with the “Run As Administrator” context menu option.  This was necessary for Inventor 2011 or earlier.  On Win7, Inventor will run correctly if inadvertently “Run as Administrator”.  On Vista, you must apply the hotfix in KB971138 for “Run as Administrator” to work correctly.
  • Restricted users can configure the add-in load behavior in the Add-in Manager.
  • Restricted users cannot modify or add files located under the C:\Program Files folder.  This includes the project macros which are stored in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor [Release Number]\bin\Macros folder, such as default.ivb.
  • For releases older than 2012

    Inventor requires access to various Windows registry hives, including:


    Because Windows users with limited access rights cannot write to or modify the first two registry hives, certain operations will fail if performed by a user with limited rights.
    The following operations cannot be performed by a user with limited access rights:

    • Installing Inventor
    • Switching between different versions of Inventor. Switching between versions requires Administrator rights in order to end Windows Explorer. Also note that a full registry cycle of Inventor is comprised of starting and exiting Inventor is necessary to correctly register all subcomponents, such as the Windows Explorer shortcut menus.
    • Configuring the Inventor startup add-in load behavior in the Add-in Manager, as this requires access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. Once Inventor has been started, however, users with limited access rights can load and unload add-ins in the running session, but they cannot save these settings as the default behavior.
    • Inserting BMP images into a sketch. (For a workaround, refer to solution TS1086806.)
    • Modifying project macros that are stored in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor [Release Number]\bin\Macros folder, such as default.ivb.
    • Modifying or adding files located under the C:\Program Filesfolder.

    In addition, users with limited access rights see a missing (blank) icon displayed for DWG files.

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